25 June 2024

Global military strategies in 2024

Technical and scientific analysis of global military strategies in 2024, with precise details and figures, examples and a study of the consequences. The evolution of asymmetric conflicts Asymmetrical conflicts, where irregular forces confront regular armies, have seen significant developments in 2024. Modern technologies, in particular drones and cyberwarfare, have radically changed the […]
18 June 2024

The importance of the Middle East for the arms market

The Middle East is a strategic region for the arms market, with massive investment and major geopolitical challenges. Detailed analysis. In brief The Middle East plays a crucial role in the global arms market, accounting for around 35% of global arms imports. Geopolitical tensions, a wealth of energy resources and strategic alliances […]
24 May 2024

The rise of private military companies: analysis and implications

Private military companies, such as Executive Outcomes and MPRI, are transforming modern conflict by bringing expertise and efficiency to struggling governments. In brief Since the end of the Cold War, private military companies (PMCs) have played a growing role in international conflicts. Companies such as Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone and Military […]
29 September 2023

The 3D printing revolution in defense

The growth of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is emerging as a “game changer” for the military sector, offering innovative opportunities, particularly in the development of hypersonic weapons. Keith DeVries, Deputy Director of the Manufacturing Technology Program at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, highlighted the advances in additive manufacturing and […]
5 September 2023

Dassault Aviation: European Defense Relies on French Industry

Dassault Aviation CEO Eric Trappier argues that the capability of the EU defense industry depends largely on France’s nuclear deterrence strategy. The article examines France’s key role in the European defense industry, the implications of strategic autonomy and the challenges of cooperation and supply chains. As Russia escalates its war in Ukraine, […]