17 July 2024

Italy invests 682 million euros to equip its F-35Bs

Italy is investing €682 million to equip its F-35Bs with JSM and Spear 3 missiles, aiming for full operational capability by 2030. The Italian government has submitted a request for parliamentary scrutiny to acquire the armaments required for the full operational capability (FOC) of the fifth-generation F-35B STOVL (short take-off and vertical […]
18 June 2024

USA to buy more fighter jets

The US Congress plans to allocate an additional $1 billion for the purchase and modernisation of 44 F-35 aircraft for the US Air Force in 2025. In brief The US Congress has decided to allocate an additional $1 billion to the US Air Force for the purchase and modernisation of its fleet […]
24 May 2024

UK F-35 fleet to grow to 74 aircraft by 2033

The British F-35 fleet will reach 74 aircraft by 2033, with full operational capability scheduled for December 2025. Find out the details and implications. Understand in 2 minutes The UK plans to increase its F-35 fleet to 74 aircraft by 2033. Full operational capability for the first procurement phase is expected by […]
13 May 2024

Technical analysis of the F-35C airborne fighter

Discover the technical capabilities and strategic role of the F-35C Lightning II in the US Navy’s naval air operations. 2 minutes to understand The F-35C Lightning II, specifically designed for carrier-based operations, is a centerpiece of modern naval aviation. With wider wings for improved low-speed control, folding wingtips for carrier space efficiency, […]
7 May 2024

Germany to assemble F-35s in the USA rather than Europe

Germany has chosen to assemble its F-35s in the USA rather than Europe, favoring Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth site. In May 2026, Germany will begin receiving its new F-35 Lightning II fighter jets, produced by Lockheed Martin. Contrary to expectations, the Luftwaffe has opted for assembly in the USA rather than Europe, […]
9 April 2024

What is the world’s most powerful fighter jet?

This article explores the world’s most powerful combat aircraft, using objective evaluation criteria to inform readers about these technological marvels. In military aeronautics, the power of a combat aircraft is a key factor in determining its ability to carry out its missions effectively. This power is measured not just in terms of […]
15 March 2024

F-35 Lightning II helmet: a technological revolution for pilots

Discover the breathtaking features of the F-35 Lightning II helmet, providing 360° visibility and unrivalled situational awareness for pilots. The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II pilot helmet represents a significant technological advance in military aviation, incorporating revolutionary features to enhance pilot performance and safety. Central to the operation of the F-35, one […]
19 October 2023

The F-35: Analysis of Cost, Performance, and Efficacy

Unveiling the F-35: its cost, users, performance, armaments, strengths, and drawbacks. A comprehensive evaluation of the combat aircraft. The F-35, often heralded as the crown jewel of modern aviation, is a hot topic of debate among defense experts. In this article, we delve into the intricacies, from acquisition costs to operational capabilities, […]
6 October 2023

F-35 Fighter Jets: Costly Program Faces Operational Challenges

A report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has disclosed that the expensive fleet of F-35 fighter jets can only operate 55% of the time due to maintenance issues. As the U.S. and its allies increasingly rely on these aircraft, the report highlights challenges related to maintenance, escalating costs, and dependency […]