17 October 2023

Poland Fuels Competition Between U.S. and European Fighter Jet Suppliers

Poland is considering expanding its combat aircraft fleet, thereby fueling a rivalry between U.S. and European suppliers. The geopolitical and industrial implications could have lasting consequences on the balance of power in Europe. Poland’s Appetite for Combat Aircraft: Current Context As Poland eagerly awaits the delivery of the first units from its […]
28 September 2023

Eurofighter Typhoon: the most attractive choice for Poland

Poland, becoming NATO’s largest defense contributor after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is actively seeking a solution to its air superiority deficit. In addition to the Boeing F-15EX, the Eurofighter Typhoon is positioning itself as a prime option, offering interoperability and sovereignty advantages. This article explores in detail the potential of the […]
16 September 2023

Korean KF-21 Boramae challenges US F-35 stealth fighter for Polish Air Force contract

Poland, eager to bolster its defense capabilities, is considering the acquisition of two additional squadrons of multirole fighter jets. Among the candidates for the contract are the American F-35, the F-15EX, and the South Korean KF-21 Boramae. This article explores what’s at stake in this decision, and the possible consequences for Poland […]