9 July 2024

North Korea’s military elite visit Russia

Analysis of the strategic implications of the first North Korean military delegation to Russia and the defence agreements between the two countries. For the first time, an elite North Korean military delegation, led by Kim Geum Chol, is visiting Russia. The visit follows the signing of a strategic partnership agreement between Vladimir […]
24 May 2024

The rise of private military companies: analysis and implications

Private military companies, such as Executive Outcomes and MPRI, are transforming modern conflict by bringing expertise and efficiency to struggling governments. In brief Since the end of the Cold War, private military companies (PMCs) have played a growing role in international conflicts. Companies such as Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone and Military […]
4 April 2024

Advanced warning systems

Discover the crucial role of warning systems in global defense, their historical evolution and the modern technologies behind them. Warning systems Warning systems, the cornerstone of military science, aim to detect any threat or hostile intent, enabling a rapid response. Military history, with its emphasis on surprise, has led defenders to develop […]